Thursday, October 30, 2008

30 Minute Commercial

After watching the 30 minute ad that The Obama campaign had on last I have finally made my decision on who I am voting for...this was a decision that I didn't want to rush into and that I was severly torn inbetween...I wasn't going to vote for Obama just because he was Black...I needed the facts, there where things that i agreed with Obama about and there where things that I agreed with McCain about...but after closely looking at the facts and views of each canidate and seeing which views best met my views and needs I can say I have boiled it down to one canidate that is I feel is right for me and for this Country.....I hope we all will take the time to go to the polls and cast our vote....We can all make a difference....Vote Vote Vote...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My thoughts and prayers are with all those who have lost loved ones...with the recent tragic events thats occurred with the Huson Family, The Child in the Casey Anthony trial, The soilders and Civilians that are being killed in the MiddleEast...these and more events make me really wonder about the short time we have on this earth. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, no one knows what our future holds. With the recent Killing of my very own brother and the passing of my Grandmother last year I know first hand how losing people that close to you can be. Which is why my heart is saddened when i turn on the t.v. just to see another person being the victim of a senseless killing. Ofcourse this will never stop there will always be someone out there that will heartless and cold blooded enough to carry out the stupid crimes. All i can do is pray for the victims, pray for the family and friends and pray for the person that committed the crime. I pray that anyone who has lost a loved one has peace...

Friday, October 24, 2008

It's Our Anniversary

On this day exactly 5 years ago I took a huge step....People may say i was too young...People may say i wasn't in my right mind...but I wouldn't take that moment back for anything in this World...We have had our ups and down, we have had our in's and outs but one thing that I can say is that you have stuck with me through it all. I couldn't see anyone sticking with me through the tuff times we had the way that you did. I am Proud to call you my Wife. I am Blessed to have you. You gave me Life, You completed me. Not only have you given me Love but you gave me 3 beautiful wonderful children that i love and adore...I love to come home from a long day at the office just to have you and the kids greet me at the door with hugs and matter what i may have went through that day at that moment all the B.S. from the day is left at the door and all weights feel lifted off me...

I promise to stay faithful to you and only you....Some guys love to play the field, look at how many Girls they can screw...They can't stay faithful to One because they are always thinking with there wrong Head...But I would never do that...because not only could that hurt you but it would hurt me more...I Love You...and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

She Bust My Windows Out My Car!!!

I was Surfing Youtube and Came Across this vid and it Took me Back...Way back....Back into time....

Back in 2002 I was 20 in College an all Black College at that top of my class, sports athelete & grinding making my paper. I lived in an off campus apartment with a roommate and since things where going so well I decided to purchase me a Black 2 Door CLK that was my main whip...i kept it clean and you know i was one of the cleanest People on campus...i must say i used my whip to my advantage i picked up girls galour....I mean i had Chicks hand over Fist...until that one fine day...i was out with this PYT named Nicky we had been chilling for a minute and we went back to my place...I had my Ready for the World Playing-Let Me Love You Down....

Then all of a Sudden All I heard was a loud Crash and a Car Alarm whaling...I peeped out the Window and this Chick named April that i used to mess with a few months back was out there with her girls busting my windows out and keying my car...I ran out there like WTH....and do you know what she had the nerve to tell me....

She said "You should have returned my calls"

What In The World....

I was pissed but i wasn't about to hit a girl and go to jail and mess up all i had going to make a longer story short....She spent the night in jail...i was without my whip for almost 2 weeks and i didnt get any that night....but the funny part is after all that had passed she dated my Brother for over a year...and after they broke up she did the same thing to him....
I would like to know if anyone had a similar experience...hit me and let me know

I'm a Newbie....

Hey To all that read this this will be my first Official Blog so bare with me....

Basically in this blog with it being my first Blog i just want to cover what I will be discussing in my future Blog's....

I will Cover things from....
Family & Relationships
News & Events
and just anything Interesting in General

I will cover things that happen to me personally or things that i may witness or that may happen to a friend.

Basically my life will be an Open book for the world to see...

I hope you enjoy...